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Sculpting The Future – A Journey Within. Mindset: Navigating the intricate labyrinth of our thoughts

Updated: May 24

Not so long ago, I learned to hear what my words were saying...

Have you ever observed how your words affect how you feel?

You likely noticed their impact on others. When you want to say something significant, you likely ponder the best words to articulate your message. In arguments, you probably consider words carefully to convey your thoughts without causing harm.

And what about your speech when speaking inwardly? It is worth emphasizing the importance of words – not only spoken out loud but also those others in the inner (sometimes almost unconscious) language – and their connection with one's brain.

According to Andrew Newberg, MD, and co-author Mark Waldman, “A single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.”(2012, in Words Can Change Your Brain)

Much like a waterfall, our minds are often filled with a constant torrent of thoughts. Understanding and managing these thoughts is crucial for achieving mental clarity and flourishing

And quoting Gregg Braden:

“We think in words. We speak in words. In the silence of our minds, we hear de word - messages of our subconscious thoughts repeating at the dizzying rate of 60,000 to 80,000 times each day, according to scientific estimates. And now, new evidence suggests that the power of our words extends far beyond what these statistics have revealed in the past; recent studies confirm a theory that was first proposed early in the 20th century: that the word of our everyday language directly influences the way our brain ‘wires’ itself when it comes to how we think, and even what we are capable of thinking about.” - (2020, in The Wisdom Codes)

Our words echo the beliefs entrenched in our subconscious, potentially engraving them even deeper.

This realization prompts another reflection: Beliefs can profoundly shape outcomes.

If we define mindset as a collection of beliefs and perceptions, we can say that our mindsets have much to say about our outcomes. This collection of beliefs and perceptions acts as a silent orchestrator, influencing our thoughts, actions, and reactions. It is the lens through which we view, experience, and interpret the world.

I find Dr. Alia Crum's definition of mindset to be valuable. Dr. Alia Crum is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Stanford University and Director of the Stanford Mind & Body Lab. She defines mindset as “a set of core beliefs or assumptions about a domain or category of things that orient us to a particular set of expectations, explanations, and goals.” (Crum, 2022).

We can find several ways to categorize mindsets. Today, however, we will stick to fixed and growth mindsets. Dr. Carol Dweck, a renowned psychologist and professor of psychology at Stanford University, popularized mindset concepts through her extensive research on achievement and success. Her influential book ‘Mindset’ provides an insightful framework for categorizing different mindsets.

A fixed mindset tends to sidestep challenges, give up easily in the face of obstacles, and see effort as a fruitless endeavor. Failures are interpreted as a reflection of inherent abilities, which, alongside intelligence, are believed to be fixed traits.

Conversely, a growth mindset perceives challenges as opportunities to grow and learn. Failures are stepping stones, and effort is seen as the path to mastery since abilities can be cultivated through dedication and hard work.

Can you relate to either description? Most likely, you have related to both and find yourself in the middle. Yes, we all have a mix of both mindsets. The key lies in identifying the dominating mindset and cultivating the one that serves you better.

Another concept I would like to highlight here is the concept of self-efficacy.

This is an empowering concept developed by the renowned Canadian-American psychologist Albert Bandura. According to this concept, the more one believes in one's own ability to achieve something, the more motivation and perseverance one will have in the face of challenges, and the more probable accomplishment will be. This reinforces itself with each accomplishment since the more you achieve, the more you believe you are capable of.

Are you doubting to what extent your mindset matter?

Several scientific papers and research evidence how a belief can determine an outcome. There is evidence of desired outcomes in the presence of placebos rather than medicines or special diets and medical ingredients. A placebo, or better, a belief, can transform your genes.

The sculptor of David is a double symbol of power. It represents not only the legendary strength of David but also the incredible transformation of raw stone into a magnificent work of art. This duality reflects our own potential for powerful transformation through personal growth.

Now, let me share a nugget of wisdom from Peter Diamandis's 20th law:

"If you think it's impossible, then it is...for you."

This law encapsulates the essence of mindset—our beliefs, speech, and the stories we choose to tell ourselves shape the narrative of our journey.

In the grand theater of life, mindset takes center stage. Embrace the power within, cultivate a mindset that fosters resilience, and watch as the threads of your beliefs shape a tapestry of meaning and fulfillment.

In essence, the profound influence of our words on beliefs and mindset unveils a potent force shaping our journey. Amidst complexities and nuances, the journey starts within, and the possibilities are boundless. As you navigate the labyrinth of your thoughts, remember the transformative power of a construct of single words – a force that, like a ripple in a vast ocean, sculpts the outcomes of your endeavors and the contours of your future.


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